• Macross The Ride 27:12:2011

    Il n'a pas pu s'en empêcher : KuWa a fini par poster  les photos du mode Battoïd inédit de la VF-11D "Thunder Focus", construit à partir de la maquette hasegawa en mode Fighter :

    Et de plus, c'est sur MW que Skeltchey détaille le contenu du Visual Book 2 (dont je n'ai aucune nouvelle de ma pré-commande sur HLJ) :

    New/Revised title page artwork:
    episode 8's VF-1X++ vs VBP-1/VA-110
    episode 9's VF-22HG vs VF-19ACTIVE (is this the scene where Chelsea loses it?)

    New "Line-art":
    VF-0Kai Zeak: fighter mode AND head

    New Models:
    VF-19ACTIVE Nothung Battroid mode: groovy looking new head design
    SV-52γ Oryol Battroid mode: is that the Full Armour VF-11's GU-XS-06 gun pod FTW???
    approx. 3 cm tall painted scratch-builds of the 7 main cast members! ... and how they were made.
    VF-22HG Schwalbe-Zwei High-speed configuration AND High-maneuver mode (aka: legs & arms ditched mode)

    Data Files:
    01: story (character relationships, synopsis of eps 07-12
    02: variable mechanism design: VF-25. Lego, 2DCG modelling, hand-drawn details and finished model kit
    03: Destroid Series: a plus is we get to see how the ADR-04-Mk-XV Super Defender fits into the genealogy presented in Macross Chronicle.
    04: VF supplemental equipment (super pack, armour pack, booster, fold booster, super fold booster, AEGIS pack, etc.) + line art of the Paladin pack's lance and head design roughs
    05: Zentraadi mecha (interesting that the DYRL stuff is referred to as "the Propaganda movie's Queadlunn-Rau".)

    01 the CG works artist. Interesting to see the process of how they take a rough sketch, and transform that into finished artwork using the scratch builds and layers in photoshop.
    02: Tommy Otsuka - which is mainly a joke image: "Regult the Ride", complete with a souped up Regult for the Ostrich Class Vanquish races.
    Special Interview: Kazutaka Miyatake: w/ images of the VF cockpit interiors that he's designed over the years.
    03: Kuwa (the modeller behind many of the MtR scratch builds): includes lineart/sketches of the Queadluun-Alma and the GCU-M3Kai Camera Pod folded in half & used on the shoulder.

    And of course, the "Macross the Ride AFTER" section:
    introduces the VF-11B Nothung II.
    10 page manga of the VF-11D Thunder Focus's crew filming an M25 Vanquish race and interacting with the characters after.

    ... and the book closes out with a complete list of all the models used, who assembled them, mode, scale, manufacturer, scratch-built/improved upon/painted/etc and which episode they first appeared in.

    Et enfin, voici une version "weathering" (?) de la VF-11D que l'on peut voir dans le récent numéro du magazine Model Graphix :


    Source =MW 

    info source: Hectopussy

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